6. July, 2017.

INSiGHTS: Central Istria Sustainable Tourism Strategy Development

INSiGHTS: Central Istria Sustainable Tourism Strategy Development

As part of the project INSiGHTS – Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies financed from the Interreg Danube Transnational Programme, LAG “Central Istria”, as on of the project partners, has started the process of developing the integrated sustainable tourism strategy of the area of central Istria.

The strategy is being developed in cooperation with the Central Istria Tourist Board, Motovun Tourist Board and Žminj Tourist Board whose areas will it cover.  This strategy will seek to emphasize the potential of area for the development of sustainable – slow, green and healthy tourism.

At the first workshop for development of the strategy, local stakeholders in tourism from the public, private and civil sector participated, who with their knowledge and experience can contribute to formulating the development vision and concrete activities for the overall development of central Istria as a tourist destination. The first workshop was held to familiarize the group with the basic objectives of the project and the foreseen tasks, harmonize the method of work and carry out the first activities in the SWOT analysis of the area. The group will meet regularly and, if necessary, will be supplemented with additional members.

5. July, 2017.

INSiGHTS: Internal thematic meeting and study visit in Arandjelovac, Serbia

INSiGHTS: Internal thematic meeting and study visit in Arandjelovac, Serbia

Partners from Croatia, Austria, Bulgaria, Germany, Hungary, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia met at the 1st Multilateral Walkshop and 3rd internal thematic meeting within the INSiGHTS project – “Integrated Slow, Green and Healthy Tourism Strategies”. The meeting took place in Arandjelovac, Serbia on the 28th – 30th June 2017 and was hosted by Regional Economic Development Agency for Šumadija and Pomoravlje from Kragujevac, Serbia. (more…)