21. June, 2018.

INSiGHTS project: Capturing the motives of central Istria

INSiGHTS project: Capturing the motives of central Istria

LAG “Central Istria” in cooperation with Central Istria, Motovun and Žminj tourist offices  spent last three days in the field photographing the motives of slow, green and healthy tourism in the area of central Istria, Motovun and Žminj. The aim was to create a gallery of promotional tourist photographs which focus on natural and cultural heritage, traditional gastronomy and promote experienced and active tourism as the dominant tourist offer of the area.

Photographing is part of the INSiGHTS project that LAG “Central Istria” is implementing as one of the partners in the transnational cooperation program INTERREG Danube.

18. June, 2018.

Cooperation between LAGs and FLAGs from Croatia, Slovenia and Italy

Cooperation between LAGs and FLAGs from Croatia, Slovenia and Italy

Based on the cooperation agreement signed in late 2015 between LAGs and later FLAGs from Istria, Kvarner, Gorski Kotar, Brkin and Kras, last week a meeting of partners was held with the aim of further networking and planning of future joint projects. Given the delayed start of the call for tenders from the domain of rural development of all three involved countries – Croatia, Slovenia and Italy – this was a good opportunity to exchange experiences on the allocation of funds to end users. The meeting has served as a summary of activities so far, and it has been established that the Agreement has already put the first results on partnerships in the projects while discussing the interests and topics for future cooperation. The next coordination partner will be held at the end of the year in Croatia.

14. June, 2018.

ENSURE: 3rd Partner Meeting in Spain

ENSURE: 3rd Partner Meeting in Spain

LAG “Central Istria” continues with the implementation of the ENSURE project from the Europe for Citizens Program. The 3rd meeting of the project partners was held in Spain, San Lorenzo de El Escorial, in the period from 6th to 8th of June with the organization Federacion de Municipio de Madrid – FMM as host. The meeting was focused on developing tools to establish the best quality links between local and European levels. Details of local action groups and local development strategies from this area were presented, which was an excellent opportunity to inspect the implementation of the Rural Development Program in other European countries. Partners also discussed possibilities of involving young people in European projects and international meetings and took part in a workshop aimed at developing topics and main objectives of new Erasmus+ projects.

1. June, 2018.

INSiGHTS: Local Stakeholders Meeting

INSiGHTS: Local Stakeholders Meeting

After the public presentation of the basic elements of the future tourist development of the area of central Istria, LAG “Central Istria” has continued with the activities of the INSiGHTS project implemented under the INTERREG Danube program. At the moment, the final steps are being taken in the development of the integrated sustainable tourism strategy for the area of central Istria 2018-2025, and on this occasion, there was another workshop with local stakeholders involved in drafting the strategy. The workshop has presented the results of the so far conducted work and the stakeholders jointly discussed concrete development activities, some of which will be included as integral part of the strategy. In the forthcoming period, an additional workshop will be held to select and agree on details of their implementation.