(Hrvatski) Objavljen priručnik “Inovacija poslovnog modela u poljoprivredi”
(Hrvatski) Započinje novo razdoblje za LAG “Središnja Istra”
(Hrvatski) Natječaj za provedbu intervencije 73.10. Potpora za ulaganja u primarnu poljoprivrednu proizvodnju
(Hrvatski) Projekt suradnje Innovaoliva: video prikaz provedenih aktivnosti
(Hrvatski) Javno savjetovanje: Lokalna razvojna strategija 2023-2027
(Hrvatski) Informativne radionice – LAG natječaj za mjeru 1.1.1. „Restrukturiranje, modernizacija i povećanje konkurentnosti poljoprivrednih gospodarstava”
(Hrvatski) LAG natječaj za mjeru 1.1.1. „Restrukturiranje, modernizacija i povećanje konkurentnosti poljoprivrednih gospodarstava”
Malvasia Myth – partner meeting in Greece
In the period from June 9 to 11, a meeting of partners on the Malvasia Myth project was held in Greece. The gathering was held as part of the Monemvasia Malvasia Festival, which served as an excellent opportunity to summarize the project results so far and plan future activities, considering that LAG intends to continue implementing this project in the coming period. Representatives of Vinistra participated in the event, and visitors in Greece had the opportunity to taste Istrian malvasia. “The Malvasia Myth” brings together partners from Croatia, Italy and Greece, and is aimed at the valorization of wines with the common name – Malvasia. The goal of the project is to create an international Malvazija brand that will contribute to the promotion of the involved areas and winemakers and consequently strengthen the position of Istria as a quality wine region.