12. October, 2016.

Domestic From an Early Age: Letter of Intent on cooperation of Istrian LAGs

Domestic From an Early Age: Letter of Intent on cooperation of Istrian LAGs

In the expert meeting of Istrian preschools held on 11 of October in kindergarten “Tići” from Vrsar organized by the Institute of Public Health of the Istria County, the presidents of the LAGs form the Istria County: Renato Krulčić -LAG”Central Istria”, Anteo Milos-LAG “North Istria”, “Ezio Pinzan-LAG “South Istria”and Mirela Faraguna in the name of the President of LAG “East Istria” Tulio Demetlika signed a Letter of intent on cooperation on the project “Domestic From an Early Age”.  In the name of all the LAGs Renato Krulčić and the director of Public Health Institute of the Istrian Region dr. Aleksandar Stojanovic also signed a Business Cooperation Agreement on cooperation on the same project.
The project “Domestic From an Eary Age” will be implemented within the sub-measure 19.3. Rural Development Programme 2014-2020. The project aims to create a model on increasing the consumption of local products in educational institutions (nurseries, kindergartens and primary schools) in the county, and will include analysis of the current supply of agricultural economy from Istria county and current consumption in educational institutions as well as the interest of all parties involved for further steps in achieving the objectives of the project.
The project also planned workshops and educational lectures intended for culinary staff, educators and teachers, children and parents to raise awareness on the benefits of consuming locally grown food.