Municipality of Karojba

Karojba_(grb)The name Karojba probably comes from the Latin word QUADRIVIUM, which means a place where four roads meet. Today there are only three roads that pass through beautiful natural landscapes, vineyards, pastures and forested hills. West of Karojba is the Kapitol field (Kapitolsko polje) with a series of cultural, historical and natural sites. A must see sight of Karojba is a beautiful canyon of the Krvar creek that flows into river Mirna nearby.

1.438 inhabitants, 33 km²

Municipality of Karojba covers the area of 33 km², and according to 2011 Census it has1.438 inhabitants. There are four mayor settlements: Karojba, Motovunski Novaki, Rakotule and Škropeti.

Karojba and its surroundings bear witness to a rich history. The oldest findings come from the Early Stone Age (flint knives and stone axes discovered at the locality of Šublenta). At the beginning of 2nd century B.C the so called gradine were built at the tops of the hills – settlements of circular shape with protective walls. Today, they are the most notable remains of the Bronze Age. Roman rule in this area left a few valuable marks. In the locality of Podšublenta, an irrigation channel was discovered, as a proof for a developed agriculture in that period. The biggest number of Slavic people moved here in the 8th century, during Frankish rule that brought them as serfs to Istria. Another mark was left by the Uskok war, led between Venice and Austria (1615-1618), in the form of robberies, general destruction, destruction of crops etc. The development of Karojba begins in the 18th century, during Austro-Hungarian rule, when the first school was built, social and cultural life improved visibly, and better traffic solutions resulted in general improvement for the place.

The Road of Istarski razvod

In the area of Karojba there is a ROAD OF ISTARSKI RAZVOD – a theme trail equipped with interactive boards in four languages that starts near the Chapel of the Lady of Lourdes (1898.) and leads us into the Middle Ages, when Istria was divided between two masters– the Patriarch of Aquileia, and the Count of Gorizia-Pazin. From that period Istarski razvod, and important legal document written in Croatian language and Glagolitic alphabet, was preserved.

Parenzana – the trail of former railroad from Poreč to Trieste, is also very important. Today, there is a walking and cycling trail.