Municipality of Višnjan
The Municipality with rich and diverse past and hardworking people, where tradition and authenticity of Istrian heritage is carefully preserved.
2.274 inhabitants, 69 km2
Municipality of Višnjan has 2.274 inhabitants according to 2011 Census. It covers the area of 69 km2.
Vissignanun, Vicinius, Guissignanus, Visignano, The name Višnjan probably comes from the Latin word Vicinianus which means nearby because Višnjan was the closest property of Poreč. The oldest written document where the name is mentioned is a decree by which the borders of the property of St. Mauro were defined in 1003. West of Višnjan there was, in ancient and medieval times a place called Dilian with a convent and St. Michael’s Church from the 11th century.
Višnjan was ruled by Venetians, Austrians, French and Italians. Administratively, it belonged to Motovun until 1847, when it became a separate municipality. Stronger development began in the 19th century. All of the necessary infrastructure came relatively early (telephone, public lighting, water supply system), as well as a school and a doctor.
Višnjan consists of two parts: old part of the town is on the hill, and the newer ones are on northeast and southwest. The place was built in Mediterranean style: houses are made of stone, set closely together, with narrow streets. Višnjan had town walls until the 18th century.
New and old part of the town are linked by a stone street that ends with town gate built in Venetian era. These are the entrance into the town square where a Baroque loggia, well, bell tower and parish church of St. Quiricus and Julitta built in the neoclassical style.
Small beneath the stars…
For several years now, Višnjan is home to Breeders Association that works on protection and salvation of autochthone Istrian cattle (boškarin) from extinction. Therefore, the 1st geno-park in Croatia, “Boškarin” was established here.
There is also a karst phenomenon of this area near Višnjan – the Baredine cave. It is open for visitors and is very attractive for tourists.
Višnjan is the most famous, in Croatia and the world, for the Višnjan Obsevatory known for its discoveries of small bodies of the solar system. It was founded in 1976 by young enthusiasts – amateurs. After the new observatory was built in Tičan, it became a scientific center for youth education and an important tourist destination, so a new form of tourism develops – astrotourism.