Local Development Strategy

The Local Development Strategy is LAG Central Istria fundamental working document

The local development strategy is being developed for a four-year programming period. LAG developed its first strategy as part of the IPARD pre-accession program that Croatia used in the period 2007-2013 as part of preparations for the use of EU funds. During that time, LAG was also actively preparing for its future role as intermediary between citizens and available European funds.

At present, LAG Central Istria is using the 2014-2020 Local Development Strategy developed under Measure 19 of the National Rural Development Program. The strategy defines the basic features of LAG area, developmental problems and needs and development goals and priorities for the current period. An integral part of the strategy are the so-called measures on the basis that are in line with those from the National Rural Development Program but at the same time adapted to the specifics of the local area.

LAG “Central Istria” has been approved with a total of 9,819,870.48 kn for the implementation of the Strategy by The Ministry of Agriculture which in Croatia is authorized of directing and controlling LAG activities. Part of the funds is intended to cover current running costs of LAG, part to implement cooperation projects between different LAGs, while the total of 7,481,806.08 kn is intended for projects of citizens from the area. Projects are approved in accordance with calls for proposals announced by LAG for the following measures included in the strategy:

1.1.1. “Restructuring, modernization and increasing competitiveness of agricultural holdings” (national 4.1.1)
1.1.3. “Support to the development of small agricultural holdings” (national 6.3.1)
2.1.1. “Investments in basic local services for the rural community, including leisure and cultural activities and related Infrastructure” (national 7.4.1)

Upon the expiration of the current programming period, LAG will undertake the process of the development of a new strategy that will include priorities, measures and projects for the upcoming period, with regard to detected needs in LAG area.