Pazinski cukerančić on the 3rd Regional Forum of Family Accomodation

On December 2 in Pazin’s Memorial Home organized by the Community of family tourism County Chamber Pula and the Administrative Department form Tourism of the Istria County the 3rd Regional Forum of family accommodation of the Istria County took place.
The participants of the Forum had the chance to listen and discuss many issues related to the improvement of their accommodation facilities and were thus among other things presented with training programs for jobs in the tourism industry of the Open University in Pazin, examples of good practice in the business of family accommodation Villa Gašparini , the possibility of financing projects through EU funds, etc.
Furthermore, all participant had the chance to hear all about the initiative for the protection of Pazinski cukerančić and of course to try this delicious pastry. This way it was emphasized the importance of creating an authentic stay based on local specifics and traditional produces, one of which is precisely cukerančić.