10 years of LAG “Central Istria”

With a solemn celebration held on Friday, December 2, 2022 in Pazin in the circle of its members and close associates, LAG “Središnja Istra” rounded off the 10th anniversary of its existance. On this occasion, LAG presented the results of its work in the last decade – activities and projects that were implemented in the cooperation with numerous local associates, many of whom were present that day.
As the central point of the event, the awarding of decisions was held for 40 small farmers from the area whose projects were approved for implementation and financing based on the LAG’s public tender. These are projects for which the LAG approved grants in the amount of 15,000 euros, and thanks to them, projects focused on the purchase of agricultural machinery, the establishment of permanent plantations, the purchase of domestic animals and others will be realized. Previously, additional 56 projects were selected through 4 other tenders, including those for small and large farmers and local self-government units for projects to improve social infrastructure. In the end, LAG allocated a total of 1,702,992 euros for the mentioned projects.
In the coming period, the finalization of the new Local Development Strategy is expected, which will be the basis for announcing new tenders aimed at users (primarily farmers) from the area.