5.12. 2016.

“The Application of Modern Technologies in the Advancement of Istria County Agriculture”: Instalation of Professional Agro-meteorological Station

“The Application of Modern Technologies in the Advancement of Istria County Agriculture”: Instalation of Professional Agro-meteorological Station

As part of the project “Application of modern technologies in the advancment of Istria County agriculture” the professional agro-meteorological station was installed in Pazin.
Data collected by the station are publicly displayed in a simple interface adapted to the general population on the web page istramet.hr, and are relevant to most of the central Istria, in particular, for Pazin and Žminj. In addition to the basic parameters, users have available data on soil moisture which will significantly facilitate the planning of agricultural labor.
This project is the foundation for further development and expansion of the network of specialized agro-meteorological stations and education of farmers about the possibilities of using available data for rational use of resources in agriculture.
The project whose value is 15,000.00 kn was financed from the funds of the County of Istria.